Al Shboul, A.; Ketabi, M.; Ngai, J.; Skaf, D.; Rondeau-Gagné, S.; Izquierdo, R. Fully Printed Flexible Polystyrene/Graphite-Based Temperature Sensor with Excellent Properties for Potential Smart Applications​. ACS Omega, 2025, 10, 3878.
Darvish, A.; Gagnon, F.; Mooney, M.; Gomes, T. C.; Rondeau-Gagné, S.; Morin, J.-F. Contorted Graphene Nanoribbons from Vat Dyes: Synthesis, Properties and Charge Carrier Mobility. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, In press.
Das, P. S.; Rondeau-Gagné, S.; Ahamed, M. J. Triboelectric Pressure Sensor with Microstructured PDMS for Human Motion and Gait Pattern Monitoring. IEEE J-FLEX, 2025, In press.
Potter, M.; Debnath, S.; Mandapati, P.; Schmidt, K.; Jansen, K.; Drover, M. W.; Rondeau-Gagné, S.; Mutus, B. The Selective and Sensitive Fluorogenic Detection of Hydrogen Gas Using an Azomethine-H Dye. ACS Sensors, 2025, Accepted Manuscript
Tahir, M. N.; Sur, A. K.; Eid, J.; Kulatunga, P.; Eichhorn, S. H.; Rondeau-Gagné, S. Thermal Conversion of Acetylene-Containing Cyclotriphosphazene to Graphitic Materials: Controlling Solid-State Morphology Through Heating Rates. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2025, Accepted Manuscript